Word Mastery by Florence Akin Word Mastery by Florence Akin    

Lesson 104: The Sound of U (Eye Training)

lesson image

The instructor:

Asks children to name the pictures (umbrella).

Asks children which sound comes first in umbrella.

Tells children the letters (U/u) are pictures for the first sound.

Points to the letters (U/u), and asks children to make the associated sound.

Asks children to find the (U/u) tiles, to point at the tile, and to make the associated sound.

Shows each word below and asks children to sound out the word (e.g. f---u---n, f-u-n, fun).

Asks children to build the words below out of tiles and to point at each tile while making the associated sound.

gum pug run hum peg bun

hem pig Ben ham tag fun

him tug gun bug tub sun

beg hub cut bag rub hut big

mud hat rag bud hot rug sup

hit hug cup but jug pup nut